SeisComP for Mac compilation instructions

SeisComP is a seismological software for data acquisition, processing, distribution and interactive analysis that has been developed by the GEOFON Program at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and gempa GmbH. More info here:

If you want to compile and run the latest version of the SeisComP-macOS Github repository on your Apple Mac (Intel or Apple Silicon native) then follow these instructions.

Note that you need to use the “SeisComP for macOS” source code from my github repository here:

The following instructions are taken from the from

macOS prerequisites

This will compile SeisComP natively on macOS for Mac INTEL or Mac Silicon.
Tested on macOS Monterey v12, macOS Ventura v13.6 and macOS Sonoma v14 on Mac INTEL and Mac Silicon architectures (M1, M2).

You will need the Applications > Utilities > a lot 😀

Install Xcode Development Tools

Note that the full Xcode Development Tools from “Mac App Store” is *not* required.
Just install the “Command-Line Developer Tools” with instead:

Open your and install XCode command line tools with command:

xcode-select --install

Install Homebrew for macOS

Install with command (taken from )
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After that check or update your PATH to include Homebrew paths:

Update your .bashrc environment

On INTEL Mac the default Homebrew directory is located in: /usr/local/
On Apple Silicon Mac the default Homebrew directory is located in /opt/local/homebrew/
so you *must* update your .bashrc PATH, something like e.g:

.bashrc PATH for Mac INTEL:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH

.bashrc PATH for Mac Apple Silicon:
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin/:/opt/homebrew/sbin/:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH

Install SeisComP hombrew dependencies

After the “brew” command was succesfully installed, following dependencies must be installed:

brew install boost
brew install cmake
brew install fftw #installs fftw v3
brew install flex
brew install gfortran # installs gfortran and the whole gcc
brew install hdf5
brew install mysql #mariadb can also be installed as an alternative
brew install ncurses
brew install numpy
brew install openssl #installs OpenSSL v3
brew install python3
brew install qt5
brew install swig

Note: If you need a more specific version of python, e.g. python v3.10 use this command:
brew install python@3.10

Clone the repositories

Note that you need to use the repo from

Use the script from `Checkout the repositories` to git-clone all the repos.
Note that “repo_path” was changed from:




Compile seiscomp on macOS

After succesful git-cloning compile SeisComP on your Mac.
Here “seiscomp” was git-cloned inside ~/Downloads/seiscomp-macOS:

cd seiscomp-macOS
mkdir build-seiscomp
cd build-seiscomp
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/seiscomp ../seiscomp

Note 1: After compilation the seedlink plugins directory contains compiled libraries e.g. libreftek.a libutil.a etc and objects .o .

You should clean up the “seedlink/plugins” directory to be sure to recompile the latest versions (not necessary but should help compilation errors).

Also if you copy your “seiscomp” directory to another platform (Apple Silicon) or INTEL the compiled libraries are still there, so better do a `make clean`.

Just go to `seiscomp/src/base/seedlink/plugins` and do a `make clean`

cd seiscomp/src/base/seedlink/plugins
make clean

Note 2: if you need to use a specific Python version, e.g “Python 3.10” (don’t forget to set your PATH accordingly):
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/seiscomp ../seiscomp/ -DPython_VERSION_REQUIRED=3.10

Compile SeisComP for macOS in the `build-seiscomp` directory

make -j4

Install the binaries with command:

make install

If compilation was succesful it will install the binaries and libraries in ${HOME}/seiscomp (the choosen CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX).

Launch seiscomp command

seiscomp status

Launch GUI-binaries e.g ‘scmv’ or ‘scrttv’ with command:


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